Friday, 27 February 2009

Thursday 26th February:
4 miles 42:59. Felt ok. I plan to do another 10 miles this Sunday, then I will probably just stick to 4-5 mile runs for the last two weeks. Apparently I need to save my energy. This shouldn't be a problem!

Thursday, 26 February 2009

Lakes Trip

Here a a few pictures from our trip to the Lakes last week......
The monument in the background is the Hoad near Ulverston. The other is of the children at Grizedale forest.

Tired legs!

Tuesday 24th February:
4 miles 45:00 (approx). Felt ok, but my legs are noticeably more tired than after running 8 miles. So after 13 they should be quite ready for a break.

Sunday, 22 February 2009

10 miles!

Sunday 22nd February:
10 miles 01:49:19. Felt pretty tired at the end, but not too bad. After about 9 miles, both of my hamstrings felt really sore, as if they would go "ping" if I pushed too hard. So I walked a little and jogged at (an even) slower pace during the last mile.
It felt good to complete 10 miles though. I don't plan to run any further than this between now and the half marathon. I do plan to do 10 miles again next weekend and the weekend after that. I'll see how I get on. Worst case, if I can do 10 miles ok, then I can walk the last 3 miles, although it shouldn't come to that.

100 miles up

Friday 20th February:
5 Miles 48:16 Felt good. Although I have lost a few pounds since starting the training. I haven't lost as much as I expected. Too many snacks!
I have run 100 miles since the New Year though. So my trainers are definitely broken in. Now it is getting a little warmer, I need to sort my running gear out for the day. I have been running in a tee shirt and sweatshirt, but that will be a) too hot and b) too scruffy!

Saturday, 21 February 2009


Wednesday 18th February:

4 Miles 47:22. Felt very good. Actually felt better at the end of the run than I did at the start. This must be doing me some good!

Friday, 20 February 2009

Fresh air!

Monday 16th February:
4 Miles 50:23 felt good. We were up in the Lakes at Cathy's, so I ran a route that I had plotted on Google Earth. It was great to get out into the countryside. It is quite a lot more hilly than Fleet!

Saturday, 14 February 2009


Saturday 24th February:
8 miles 1:24:27. Felt good. I only stopped a few times to stretch. I must be getting somewhere, I certainly couldn't have managed 8 miles at Christmas!

Friday, 13 February 2009

Health check

Friday 13th February:
3 miles 29:58. Felt ok. Plan is to do 8 miles or so tomorrow.

I didn't have long as I had to get back for an ultrasound on my private parts. I had found a lump that I am sure wasn't there a while back. I got the all clear "just a cyst" said the radiologist. "Insignificant". I hope that he was talking about the cyst and not my anatomy!

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Back on track

Tuesday 10th February:
3 miles 36:48. Felt ok. This was just a gentle run to keep the mileage up. My right hamstring felt pretty sore, but I think that I will stop mentioning this, as this seems to be something that I am going to have to live with. I am trying to keep stretching excercises up everyday. Other than the exercise that hurt a couple of weeks back, obviously!

Sunday 8th February:
5 miles 53:00. Felt good. There was still quite a lot of snow around, so took a slightly different route to avoid the worst patches.

Saturday, 7 February 2009

Finally out again!

Saturday 7th February:

7 miles 01:17:25 felt ok considering I have missed five days due to heavy snow. My right hamstring felt sore again, but not too bad. I am pretty confident that I will be able to complete the race distance. I doubt if it will be under 2.5 hours though.

Sunday, 1 February 2009

Run before the storm....

Sunday 1st February:
3 miles (anti-clockwise) 29:50. Felt pretty good. Didn't seem far enough for my hamstring to play up, so got quite out of breath instead!
Snow is forecast for tonight, so I went for this short run this afternoon as it may not be possible to go out tomorrow. We'll see.