Monday, 25 July 2011

Camping with no rain!

Bit of a gap, but we had a good camping trip in the sunshine(!) near Lymington in June...


Zoe and me

Where are we now?

Saturday, 23 July 2011

Scene: breakfast in Swiss hotel restaurant.

Scene: breakfast in Swiss hotel restaurant.
American lady: "could i have coffee without caffein please?"
Waitress; "?"
American lady: "could i have coffee without caffein please?"
Waitress; "?"
Man at another table: "that's ok. Let me explain."
(At this point I'm expecting a fluent conversation in french)
Man to waitress: "s-h-e w-a-n-t-s a c-o-f-f-e-e w-i-t-h-o-u-t a-n-y- c-a-f-f-e-i-n."

Top way to start the day :-)

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Tuesday 28 June

Tuesday 28 June
Interesting day at the EBU Networks Seminar today. Had a wander through a park to the lake this evening. Geneva was quite busy with lots of people out walking and swimming. The fountain is quite impressive. I recall it being in the opening scenes of a TV drama series called "The Champions" when I was a lot younger. I walked onto a jetty on the opposite side to the fountain jetty for a closer look.

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